The Problem

- Too many chains
- Bridges are painful
- CCIP is still in its infancy (lacks standarization, some unsupported direct chains lanes)

The Solution

OpenCCIP: a smart contract library abstracting CCIP functionality

  • - Multihop functionality: Extending the supported CCIP lanes, especially in cases where direct connections between chains are unavailable. For example, Base Goerli to Polygon Mumbai, so we route it from Base Goerli to Avalanche Fuji and then from Fuji to Mumbai.
  • - CRC1: The foundational contract for cross-chain applications utilizing CCIP.
  • - CRC1Syncable: An extension of CRC1 to handle state synchronization across multiple chains.
  • - CRC20: A framework to enable ERC20 tokens to operate across multiple chains.
